Monday, June 26, 2006

Dr. P

When our son Brett was born (9 1/2 years ago), our doctor thought he may have a heart murmur, so we were instructed to come in to the clinic when he was about 4 days old to have it checked again.

My husband had to work, so my dad came with me to watch Chase (who was then about 2). Dad and Chase were in the playroom on the other side of the waiting room and I was over by the reception desk, holding my newborn and praying there was nothing wrong that couldn't be easily fixed.
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Coming out of my quiet thoughts, I heard the receptionist paging my father by name. I remember thinking that was odd, since the Dr. P didn't know Dad was along. My dad didn't hear the page because he was busy watching Chase at the lego table, so I took the call.

It was my mom. She had been getting her routine colonoscopy that day and they had found more cancer. The numb feeling that came over me was enormous. I started to shut down as I realized this whole cancer thing was starting again.

I remember that the people in the waiting room were watching and listening to me. The receptionist had a 'god, your day sucks' look on her face. They heard me starting to cry a little and trying to calm my mom down. Someone must have told Dr. P because both he and his nurse Patti came out by me. Patti took Brett and I went over to get my dad and Chase.

We all went in back and while Dr. P took care of Brett and checked him for that murmur (which wasn't anything at all), Patti helped me call my aunt. My dad left to take Chase to my aunt's house so that we could all go to the oncology office right away. (We've been down this path before and knew what steps to take.) Patti brought her car around front and drove me and Brett to the oncology office. Dr. P made sure we understood that he would help us in any way possible. How do you thank a person for keeping you sane during a time when you are losing it?

Dr. P was there for us numerous times throughout our lives, and still is, but that day stands out as going above and beyond a patient/doctor relationship. I'm so thankful for that.

~~from Angela Marie


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